We succeed by supporting high quality, elegant systems which fit requirements, we will never bloat or allow others to bloat the software we write for you. We usually host the platforms we create ourselves, removing any maintenance, hosting or in-house skills from our customer's footprint.
"Information Technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven"
Bill Gates said it, Joined Apps makes it happen.
By planning the least possible processes and systems to reach your goals, we ensure that the technology serves the business, it helps you make money and it avoids issues. We always take a systems approach as we do a personal data approach - less is more "Do we really need that?" Our systems are working more of the time and our customers happier more of the time as a result.
Identify your data targets, understand your business needs.
Carefully plan the best way to create the system you really need.
Explore how you already achieve this and what we can make use of.
Work with you to create the least impact system possible.
Software & analytics agency operating from Berkshire and Surrey, consulting largely with City firms on API programming and mobile app design.
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